Guangzhou Food&Beverage Limited
If you plan to set up a Food&Beverage Limited in guangzhou,but are confused with the company registration,you could just simply count on us ATAHK GROUP LIMITED. With 11 years experiences in registering 20 thousands of companies, we would offer you professional Guangzhou Food&Beverage Limited registration services, and handle with all the complicated application procedure for you,expecially for the pre-approval certificate, for example “Catering Operation Pemit”.
If you have any enquiry,please don’t hesitate to contact us,it is our honour to provide you with useful information.
Mobile:18926202806 Contact Person:Lee Email: Website: Add:8/F,Da Vinci Bldg, NO.1, Tianhe Rd, North, Tianhe Dist, Guangzhou, Guangdong,China |